Support our Patreon

Access to the Patreon Only Discord where you can join us in custom meta tournaments, ask questions and have fun! Just a heads up due to Astro's potty mouth there will be language that may not be for everyone. Different tiers are available!

Join our Discord

You won’t find a better group of people than the ones we have in our Discord. Once you’re a Patreon subscriber you can join the Discord here. You’ll find hundreds of people always looking for practice battles, offering tips, creating custom tournaments, and having a ton of fun.

Interact with us on Twitch

We live stream shows monthly, hold coaching sessions, bring on special guests, and do random fun streams here!


Watch us on YouTube

Here we upload special content, previous shows, submitted battles, and tons more to help take you from a PvP Beginner to a PvP Winner!

Meet our friends!

We believe in helping everybody become the very best like no one ever was. That also means helping to support our friends in the community! Here is a list of some of the best people/groups you can find: