It all started with an idea. And a few drinks…

The B.T.W Beginner to Winner Podcast started because, well, Astro wasn’t very good at PvP. After searching high and low listening to hours of YouTube videos and other content he found that it was all very overwhelming and was about to put PvP on the shelf. Then one day while driving to work listening to Pokémon Go Radio, it smacked him in the face. Why not start a podcast that focuses on the PvP side of Pokémon Go but make it fun, informative and understandable for all trainers? Thus, B.T.W was created.

After finally finding a cohost in Dinho on December 31st, 2020 the first episode of the B.T.W PvP Podcast went live. Over the course of the year the listener base grew and grew. A Discord was formed as a safe place for trainers to learn, grow, and not feel intimidated to ask questions. Finally, the guys decided, after a brief vacation by Dinho and Wildcat filling in, Wildcatdad17 would be added as the third host.

Honestly after that, things took off and B.T.W has expanded beyond your favorite pod catcher to Twitch and YouTube. New elements were added like Coach’s Corner where Dinho and Wildcat do live stream coaching with members, our Member’s Coaching where two of the best B.T.W has to offer in LyleJeffsIII and Conky1452 taking a much more hands on and personal approach to coaching and so much more.

The B.T.W Podcast has no intention on stopping, in fact they are set on becoming the go to name for Pokémon Go PvP content. Thanks to a great staff that have volunteered their personal time to help the vision we are on our way to achieving that goal. That is unless Astro f**ks it all up lol.

But most importantly B.T.W wouldn’t be here without all of you. Your support, kind words and encouragement to continue is what motivates us to make something everyone can be proud to stand behind.

And until next time,

Good Luck & Get Good!

The Hosts

The Legends Tier

The Staff

The Member Coaches